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At BeMajor, you're more than a fan — you actively shape the future of music you're passionate about. Join us in celebrating the artists who inspire you by backing their projects and receiving unique perks in return.

Featured projects

5 projects

Fresh new EP!

The time has come, and I’ve got something big in store for you. For a while now, I’ve been working on new music – songs that hit different, blending R...

Singer/Songwriter  Aarhus, DK
kr. 150 pledged of kr. 12,000 (1% funded)
72 days

Min Debut plade

Jeg har fået muligheden for at lave min første soloplade sammen med min fantastiske producer, Dennis. Jeg kommer fra Island, men har boet i Danmark s...

Pop  Silkeborg, DK
kr. 20,000 pledged of kr. 20,000 (100% funded)

Min nye single

Heey! Mit navn er Sigmund og jeg er sanger/sangskriver og artist med en stor passion for live-optræden. Det sidste år har jeg skrevet en masse fantas...

Pop  København, DK
kr. 1,550 pledged of kr. 19,000 (8% funded)

Min første single!

“FOR JEG VIL HA' ROCK ROCK ROCK ROCKELIG-ROCK” - sådan skrev jeg min første sang som 8-årig sammen med mine kusiner i baghaven. Drømmen var MGP, men d...

Anna Brynald
Pop  Solrød Strand, DK
kr. 24,000 pledged of kr. 24,000 (100% funded)

Solo Piano EP

This is a story about how a simple passion for piano, despite the whirlwind of ADHD and a life without formal music lessons, became a journey I never...

Classical  Copenhagen, DK
kr. 5,000 pledged of kr. 5,000 (100% funded)