
Rock København, DK
21 days left
Pledgedkr. 4,550
Goalkr. 6,000
Pledgedkr. 4,550
Goalkr. 6,000


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This project offers unique rewards and experiences for backers, but does not include a share of the streaming revenue.

Your contribution helps support the creation and release of the artist's music, making you an essential part of their journey.

Pipaluk's campaign

Skabelsen af mit Debut Album // The Creation Of My Debut Album

(English Below)

Mit navn er Laura Pipaluk, og jeg er sangskriver, sanger og guitarist fra København under kunstnernavnet Pipaluk. 

Jeg samler penge ind til at opfylde en drøm, nemlig at indspille mit debutalbum og har brug for din støtte!

Efter at have udgivet tre singler ('Back On', 'From Seed To Rose' og 'A Woman’s Heart'), som har modtaget positive anmeldelser, er jeg klar til at tage det næste skridt og bringe min musik til live i et fuldlængde album.

Musikalsk bliver albummet melodisk pop-rock, der henter inspiration fra musikscenen i 90’erne og de tidlige 00’ere. Sangene dykker dybt ned i en kvindes hjerte. De fortæller en historie om rå følelser såsom kærlighed, sorg, styrke, skam, længsel og det endelige opgør med begrænsninger og forventninger udefra. Det bliver et album, der både er melankolsk og håbefuldt, og som afspejler menneskelig ambivalens.

Hvis du støtter mig og min musik, er der mulighed for at få adgang til eksklusive pakker f.eks. håndskrevne sangtekster eller en personlig videohilsen, som bliver sendt til dig digitalt.

Tusinde tak fordi du giver dig tid til at læse dette! Dit bidrag, stort som småt, vil hjælpe med at gøre min vision til virkelighed. 

Kærlig hilsen 


My name is Pipaluk, and I'm a Copenhagen-based upcoming songwriter, singer, and guitarist. I’m raising funds to record my debut album and I need your support to make my dream come true!

After releasing three singles ('Back On', ‘From Seed To Rose’ and ‘A Woman’s Heart') that received positive reviews, I’m ready to take the next step and bring my music to life in a full-length album.

Musically, the album is a melodic pop-rock journey, drawing inspiration from the 90s to early 00s music scene. The songs dive deep into the heart of a woman. They tell a story of raw emotions, such as love, grief, being in constant doubt, fearing change, strength, longing for freedom and ultimately breaking free from constraints. It will be a melancholic and hopeful album at the same time, reflecting the human ambivalence.

If you support me and my music, it is possible to get access to exclusive packages, e.g. handwritten song lyrics or a personal video greeting that will be sent to you digitally.

Your contribution, big or small, will help make this vision a reality. 

Thank you for being part of this journey!

Best Regards


Pipaluk is offering rewards for backers pledging their support

  • Reward 1

    kr. 100

    Støt Musikken

    Tak fordi du støtter min drøm om at udgive et album og derigennem støtter den upcoming musikscene i Danmark! *** Thank you for supporting my dream of releasing an album and thereby supporting the upcoming music scene in Denmark!

    What's Included:
    • 1 × Music Support – Digital
    1 Item View more
  • Reward 2

    kr. 250

    VIP Package

    Tak fordi du støtter min drøm om at lave et album! Som tak sender jeg dig en håndskrevet sangtekst og den originale demo digitalt! *** Thank you for supporting my dream of making an album! I’m so grateful for your support! As a thank you, I will send you a handwritten lyric and the original demo digitally! // Pipaluk

    What's Included:
    • 1 × Handwritten Lyrics – Digital
    • 1 × Early demos of songs – Digital
    2 Items View more
  • Reward 3

    kr. 500

    Personlig Videohilsen

    Wow! Tusinde tak fordi du støtter min drøm om at lave et album! Som tak sender jeg dig en personlig videohilsen inkl. tanker om udgivelsen digitalt! *** Wow! Thank you so much for supporting my dream of making an album! I’m so grateful for your support! As a thank you, I will send you a personal video greeting incl. thoughts about the release digitally! // Pipaluk

    What's Included:
    • 1 × Video Greeting – Digital
    1 Item View more

Note: Rewards are not guaranteed. Please read the Terms of Use and the section “risks” to get a better understanding of future potential obstacles and challenges that could arise in the project.


Get an overview of the project from start to finish

December 15
Campaign LaunchThe project is live and backers can now pledge.
March 10
Campaign FinishedAll pledges are charged from backers via debit/credit card.
April 03
ProductionThe artist begins production of the music for release.
August 20
ReleaseThe music is released to Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, and over 150 streaming platforms.


Answers to the most frequently asked questions

BeMajor is a crowdfunding platform tailored for music projects. Artists can present their project ideas to fans, who can then financially contribute to these projects. In return, fans receive unique rewards, and depending on the project, a share of the revenue from streaming platforms once the music is released.

Fans can receive a variety of rewards depending on the project and their level of contribution. These rewards may include exclusive access to early releases, signed merchandise, personal acknowledgments in the album credits, VIP tickets to shows, and even personalized experiences with the artists.

Reward delivery times vary by project, as each artist sets their schedule. Typically, rewards are distributed after the project is successfully funded and the work is completed. Estimated delivery dates for each reward tier are provided on the project page. For this project, the expected release date of the music is set to August 20. Artists are encouraged to regularly update backers about the project's progress and any changes in delivery times.

When a music project is successfully funded and released on streaming platforms, fans who contributed to the project may receive a share of the revenue generated by the music, depending on the campaign structure. The specific percentage is set by the artist at the beginning of the campaign.

If a project fails to meet its funding goal, backers will not be charged. This ensures that funds are only collected and used if the project has adequate support for completion.

Crowdfunding creative projects like music involves some inherent risks. While artists on BeMajor are committed to completing their projects and delivering rewards, unforeseen challenges can arise that affect the project timeline or outcome. We encourage artists to communicate transparently with backers about any potential delays or changes. Backers should be aware that project timelines and deliverables may shift, and in rare cases, projects might not come to fruition. BeMajor works to minimize these risks but cannot guarantee project outcomes. Each project page includes a "Risks and Challenges" section where artists detail potential obstacles and their plans to overcome them.


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All projects have their risks and challenges. Be sure to read them all before pledging.

I believe the biggest risks are:


Financial Constraints: Recording, mixing, mastering, and marketing costs can quickly add up, and there’s no guarantee of return on investment. I plan to invest a significant amount of my own money, but I also hope for crowdfunding and grant support.

Time Management: Balancing recording with other commitments e.g. my job, can lead to delays, affecting the album’s timeline and release.

Creative Differences: While creative differences can be a valuable source of inspiration from collaborators, they can also introduce new directions that might slow down the songwriting process and delay the overall project.


That being said, this album will be created!