Otto Plesner

Singer/Songwriter Copenhagen, DK
39 dage tilbage


Støt denne artist og modtag en andel af streamingindtægterne som belønning

Fans, der støtter Otto Plesner modtager en andel af puljen på 50%.



Beregn din potentielle belønning

$10,000x2.8 afkast
1M streams årligt på Spotify over en 10-årig periode*
* Den aktuelle vurdering er baseret på en indtægt på USD 0,003 pr. stream, hvilket repræsenterer den seneste gennemsnitsrate for streaming på Spotify-platformen. Ved at give et bidrag på $10 modtager bidragsyderen en belønning på 0,3% af alle royalties, der stammer fra online streamingplatforme. Dette beregnes ved at gange 0,3% med det anslåede samlede antal på en million streams om året over en periode på fem år, hvilket resulterer i et samlet antal af fem millioner streams. Baseret på denne beregning forventes beløbet at generere $40.000, og støttepersonens belønning i dette beløb er $385.

Otto Plesner's kampagne

The Art of Memory

The Art of Memory is an innovative multi-sensory show and experience that seamlessly melds AI visuals, captivating scents, harmonious music, and immersive surroundings to weave a truly unique narrative within the mind of an Alzheimer's patient. This album is being created as the musical foundation for this immersive show.

Through each song on the album, I’m weaving together a narrative that invites the listener into moments of deep recollection – those precious memories that define us, even as they begin to slip away. The music will be accompanied by sensory elements to create an all-encompassing journey through time and memory, where the past comes to life in ways that transcend the ordinary.

“The Art of Memory” is inspired by something deeply personal – after losing my grandmother to Alzheimer’s, I reflect on the beauty and fragility of memories, how they shape who we are, and the enduring power of love, even as the mind begins to fade. This project is a tribute to the emotional landscapes we all navigate, especially when faced with the loss of memory and the desire to hold on to those moments that make life meaningful.

I want to take you on a journey with me – one filled with love, loss, and reflection. But I can’t do it alone. I need your support to bring this album to life. Every contribution will go directly towards producing, recording, and creating the sensory experiences that will bring this show to its fullest potential. 

In return, you'll receive exclusive rewards as well as a share of the streaming royalties. With your help, we can create something truly unique, a journey through sound that touches the heart and soul. 

Let’s explore the art of memory together!


Lyt til udvalgt musik / audio


Otto Plesner tilbyder belønninger til fans, der giver deres støtte

  • Belønning 1


    A Happy Dance Video

    I’ve always believed that music is meant to move us—both emotionally and physically—so I want to create a joyful dance video just for you. Whether it’s a song that makes you smile or something special to you or a friend, I’ll dance my heart out and send it your way. It’s a lighthearted gesture, but one that brings me closer to sharing the happiness music has always given me. Let’s have some fun together!

    Hvad er inkluderet:
    • 1 × A Happy Dance Video – Digital
    1 Genstand Se mere
  • Belønning 2


    Personal Christmas Song

    The holidays are a time for connection, and I’d love to bring some festive spirit directly to you. I’ll record a special video of myself performing a Christmas song just for you. It’ll be warm, personal, and something you can revisit whenever you need a little holiday cheer. Whether you share it with loved ones or keep it as your own, it’s my way of spreading a bit of joy during the most magical time of the year.

    Hvad er inkluderet:
    • 1 × Personal Christmas Song – Digital
    1 Genstand Se mere
  • Belønning 3


    A.I. Artwork

    Visual art has become a huge part of how I express myself, and I’ve found A.I. to be an amazing tool in creating something unexpected and beautiful. I’d love to craft a custom piece of digital art for you using the same technology that inspires me every day. It’s a blend of human creativity and machine learning that comes together in a way that feels almost like magic—something you’ll have to see to fully understand. Let me create something unique, just for you.

    Hvad er inkluderet:
    • 1 × A.I. Artwork – Digital
    1 Genstand Se mere
  • Belønning 4


    A.I. Film

    There’s something mesmerizing about seeing art come to life, and through A.I., I can create a 1-minute video that feels like a dream unfolding. This isn’t just a technical project for me—it’s a way to explore new emotional landscapes, where colors, shapes, and movement come together to tell a story that words can’t capture. I’m excited to offer you this glimpse into my curation of a world where technology meets artistry in a truly captivating way.

    Hvad er inkluderet:
    • 1 × A.I. Film – Digital
    1 Genstand Se mere
  • Belønning 5



    My girlfriend, an incredibly talented painter and muralist from Mexico, will create a beautiful original artwork just for you. Her work is deeply emotional, drawing from her cultural roots and her connection to nature and the human experience. Whether it’s a vibrant painting or a more subtle sketch, you’ll receive a piece that is filled with love and creativity, made by someone whose artistic soul I deeply admire. In the image here below you can view one of her artworks.

    Hvad er inkluderet:
    • 1 × Painting – Fysisk genstand
    1 Genstand Se mere
  • Belønning 6


    Personal Song

    I’ve always found that music can say what words sometimes can’t. I want to write and perform a song just for you or someone you care about. It could be a reflection of a special moment, a heartfelt message, or simply a way to capture an emotion that’s hard to express. I’ll record it in a video, so you can have something that’s truly personal and meaningful. This is my favorite way to connect through music, and I’m excited to share it with you.

    Hvad er inkluderet:
    • 1 × Personal song – Digital
    1 Genstand Se mere

Bemærk: Belønninger er ikke garanteret. Læs venligst Vilkår og sektionen “Risici” for at få en bedre forståelse af fremtidige potentielle forhindringer og udfordringer, der kan opstå i projektet.


Få et overblik over projektet fra start til slut

1. november
KampagnestartKampagnen er igang, og fans kan nu bidrage.
31. december
Kampagnen er afsluttetAlle bidrag trækkes fra fans via debet/kreditkort.
24. januar
ProduktionArtisten begynder produktionen af musikken til udgivelse.
13. maj
UdgivelseMusikken udgives på Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal og over 150 streamingplatforme.
For evigtFor evigtFor evigtFor evigt
RoyaltiesStreamingindtægter indsamles hvert kvartal, og din andel indbetales direkte på din BeMajor-konto.


Svar på de mest stillede spørgsmål

BeMajor er en crowdfunding-platform specielt designet til musikprojekter. Artister kan præsentere deres projekter for fans, som kan bidrage økonomisk. Som tak modtager fans unikke belønninger, og i nogle tilfælde en del af streamingindtægterne, afhængigt af kampagnestrukturen, som fastsættes af artisten.

Afhængigt af projektet og deres bidragsniveau kan fans modtage en række forskellige belønninger. Disse belønninger kan omfatte eksklusiv adgang til udgivelser, signeret merchandise, personlige anerkendelser i albumcredits, VIP-billetter til shows og endda personlige oplevelser med artisterne.

Leveringstiden for belønninger varierer afhængigt af projektet, da hver artist selv fastsætter deres tidsplan. Typisk distribueres belønninger efter projektet er succesfuldt finansieret og musikken er produceret. Estimater for leveringsdatoer for hver belønningspakke er angivet på projektsiden. For dette projekt er den forventede udgivelsesdato for musikken sat til 13. maj. Artister opfordres til regelmæssigt at opdatere fans om projektets fremskridt og eventuelle ændringer i leveringstiderne.

Når et musikprojekt er succesfuldt finansieret og udgivet på streamingplatforme, kan fans, der har støttet projektet, modtage en andel af de indtægter, musikken genererer. Den præcise procentdel af indtægterne, som fans modtager, fastsættes af artisten, når kampagnen begynder.

Hvis et projekt ikke når sit finansieringsmål, vil fans ikke blive opkrævet. Dette sikrer, at midler kun indsamles og anvendes, hvis projektet har tilstrækkelig støtte til gennemførelse.

At crowdfunde kreative projekter som musik indebærer nogle indbyggede risici. Selvom artister på BeMajor er forpligtet til at fuldføre deres projekter og levere belønninger, kan der opstå uforudsete udfordringer, der påvirker projektets tidslinje eller resultat. Vi opfordrer artister til at kommunikere åbent med fans om eventuelle potentielle forsinkelser eller ændringer. Fans bør være opmærksomme på, at projektets tidslinjer og leverancer kan ændre sig undervejs, og i sjældne tilfælde bliver projekter ikke realiseret. BeMajor arbejder på at minimere disse risici, men kan ikke garantere projektets resultater. Hver projektside inkluderer en sektion "Risici", hvor artisten beskriver potentielle udfordinger og deres planer for at klare dem.


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Alle projekter har deres risici og udfordringer. Sørg for at læse dem, inden du afgiver dit bidrag.

Creating music for "The Art of Memory" is an exciting journey, but as with any creative process, there are potential challenges. From coordinating studio time with musicians and producers to the technical aspects of recording and mixing, unexpected delays can happen.

Even though the songs are carefully written, producing the highest quality music that aligns with the emotional depth of the show takes time and dedication. There may be moments where additional tweaking or reworking is needed to ensure the music fully supports the storytelling.

However, I’m fully committed to bringing this music to life, and I have an experienced team ready to tackle any issues that come our way. I’ll keep you updated at every step, ensuring that you’re part of the process and that the project stays on track.

With your support, I’m confident we can overcome any hurdles and create something truly special.

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Følg Otto Plesner